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Currently:   4,000.00  Euro
Reserve Price Met
First bid:   4,000.00 Euro
Quantity:   1 # of Bids   0 No bids
Time left:   0 Days:0 Hours:0 Min.
Location:   España - valencia  
Highest bidder: None Email this item to a friend
Seller:    LOS_MACHIN   (0) 
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Currencies Accepted: EURO, US,
Shipping Method: Shipping Information is listed in the item description,  
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The seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to ask any questions by email before making any bid.
Item Description

///español///////////////italiano di sotto///english below

LeLE & casares aka _los machín_ aka _latinolovers_, con el
consentimiento y aprobación del net.artista propietario de la *máquina
podrida* aka *la desdentada*, inicia la subasta del ordenador de brian mackern, artista
que ha contribuido al desde el lejano 1994 cuando trabajaba
en lo que él llamaba *ambientes en red*.
es un artista, en este sentido, fundacional, aunque como es ajeno a
los ámbitos europeo y norteamericano, dada su nacionalidad uruguaya,
no posee el lustre de los siete magníficos, a pesar de anticiparse en
el uso de la herramienta flash y los recursos sonoros.

podéis ver la historia de la *máquina podrida* y una descripción técnica en <>

fundador de los directorios online
<> y netart_latino database
<, es además desarrollador de
interfaces sonoras offline/online.

su currículum vitae puede ser consultado en
<>, y sus sitios de referencia son
<>, <> y

el precio de salida de este ordenador/taller_de_artista/obra es de 4.000 euros.

////////italiano/////////////español arriba & english below

lele & casares aka _los machín_ aka _latinolovers_, previo consenso e
approvazione del net.artista propietario della *máquina
podrida* (spagnolo: macchina in avanzato stato di putrefazione),
danno inizio all'asta del computer portatile di brian mackern, artista
che ha contribuito alla sin dal lontano 1994 quando lavorava
in ció che egli denominava *ambienti in rete*.
é un artista, in questo senso, fondatore, sebbene, essendo alieno agli
ambiti europeo e nordamericano, data la sua nazionalitá uruguayana,
non possiede il lustro dei *magnífici sette*, nonostante l'avere precorso
l'uso dello strumento flash e delle risorse sonore.

potete vedere la storia della *máquina podrida* e una descrizione tecnica su <>

fondatore dei portali online
<> e netart_latino database
<>, é inoltre sviluppatore di
interfacce sonore offline/online.

il suo currículum vitae puó essere consultato in
<>, ed i suoi siti di riferimento sono
<>, <> e

il prezzo di lancio di questo computer/atelier_di_artista/opera é di
4.000 euro.

////english//////////////italiano di sopra /// español arriba

LeLE & casares aka _los machín_ aka _latinolovers_, with the consent of
brian mackern, are proud to announce the auction of his laptop.

brian mackern, the netartist owner of the *rotten machine* aka *the
toothless*, has been contributing to the development of netart since 1994
when he worked in what he called at those days, *net ambientations*.

in this sense, this uruguayan artist is a pioneer, though given his
nationality, and in spite that he was one of the first in anticipating the
use of tools like flash, soundtoys and the investigation on net-interactive
sound resources, he was rather outside european and american scope.

you can see the "rotten machine"'s story and technical description at <>

founder of the online portal
<> and the netart_latino database
<>, he is also a well known
developer of sound interfaces, soundtoys and *image-sound user-reactive*
objects [offline&&online].

his CV can be viewed at:
<>, and his reference sites are:
<>, <> & <>

the start bid for this laptop/atelier/artwork is 4000€ [euros].


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Current Bid At : 2,747.48 BP  4,000.00 Euro      Reserve Bid : Reserve Price Met

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Auction type Standard
Quantity 1
Current Bid 2,747.48 BP  4,000.00 Euro
Bid Increment 0.69 BP  1.00 Euro
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Minimum bid is 2,748.17 BP   4,001.00 Euro
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